Plugin Tag: development
(0 total ratings)Easily add styles for specific browsers and rendering engines, from the dashboard!
Development Environment Notification
(1 total ratings)This plugin adds a simple notification on the WP Admin bar to help the developer know if they are looking at development or production.
Placeholder it
(0 total ratings)Add placeholders easily to widget areas during site development, with many options
WP Reroute Mandrill
(1 total ratings)Reroutes All Mail going through the wpMandrill Plugin to email address(s) of your choice.
JK Development Console
(1 total ratings)A development console for adding custom javascript and CSS.
Local Indicator
(1 total ratings)A fast way of seeing which machine a WordPress install is running on.
Author: Francis Crossen (fcrossen)
(0 total ratings)Tina MVC is a Wordpress framework that allows you to develop plugins, shortcodes and and widgets.
Jameel's Dev Tools
(0 total ratings)Chalked full of little helpers for developing websites, including search and replace function and shortcode to create columns.
ThemeMan by
(0 total ratings)ThemeMan by helps you manage a large number of themes by allowing quick previewing and activation of themes from the theme manager wit …
Easy Local Site
(1 total ratings)Aid the development process on a local WordPress site by adding some handy reminders and overriding outgoing emails.
WP Prevent CSS Cache
(0 total ratings)License: GPLv2 or later WordPress plugin to prevent caching your stylesheet during development
Only Admins
(0 total ratings)Only Admins is a minimal plugin that restricts your entire WordPress site to Admins.
CMB2 Markdown
(0 total ratings)Adds a Markdown enabled textarea with a live preview to the available CMB2 field types.